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Marauder Family Connect - October

Posted Date: 9/30/24 (5:41 PM)

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Marauder Family Connect
October 2024 edition
September 30, 2024
Main entrance
From the Principal
Dr. Pimpleton in graduation regalia.
Thank You
Even though it feels as though the school year has just started, we are already approaching the halfway point to our first grading period. From my vantage point, things are feeling positive. We are off to a much stronger start academically and behaviorally than we were this time last year, which is exciting on many levels.

We are continuing to emphasize our "Dive in, Rise Up" theme. The month of October brings with it a variety of opportunities to dive in to the high school experience including this week's homecoming week festivities culminating in an exciting Friday night football game and a Saturday night homecoming dance. We encourage all students to take this opportunity to experience and enjoy the various events and activities.
Open House - Wednesday October 2nd
On this coming Wednesday October 2nd families are invited to join us for our fall Open House. We are using a more drop in style approach for this event, beginning at 6:00 pm with a welcome presentation in the gym, followed by an open window of time for families to pop into classrooms to meet your child's teachers at whatever pace works best for you. The event will conclude at 7:30 pm.
Appreciation, Not Appropriation
October is a busy month with various school spirit and holiday activities that sometimes involve the use of costumes or theme related dress. In response to some recent feedback from students, I want to offer some guidance around costumes and spirit week events that may involve cultural themes or elements.

At Mariner our diversity is a strength because it is something we honor and celebrate and because we aim to do so in ways that feel respectful and affirming to everyone in our learning community. There is a fine line between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation. Students and families are asked to be mindful of this as you consider how you dive in to the various events and activities offered this month.

Cultural Appreciation involves learning about other cultures, connecting with folks from those cultures and honoring those cultures in respectful ways.  

Cultural appropriation on the other hand, involves taking aspects of another culture and using them in ways that are trivial or superficial, often for attention, humor, or sometimes profit.

At Mariner, one of the ways we live out our commitment to relationships and to equity is to make sure we are honoring culture, not appropriating it. Please avoid costumes and themes that may invoke negative stereotypes or the misuse symbols of another's culture. The blue button below labeled "My Culture is Not a Costume" will take you to a short video from Teen Vogue with some specific examples about what we are talking about. Thanks for your attention and consideration.
My Culture is Not A Costume
Upcoming Events
Example calendar with dates pinned
October 2024
  • Wednesday October 2nd - Open House - 6:00-7:30 pm
  • Friday October 4th - Homecoming Football - 7:00 pm
  • Saturday October 5th - Homecoming Dance - 7:00 pm
  • Wednesday October 9th - Student of the Month Celebration - 7:00 am
  • Saturday October 12th - Saturday School - 8-10 am
  • Wednesday October 16th - Choir Concert - 7pm
  • Friday October 18th - No School -Professional Learning Day for Staff
  • Monday October 21st - Pacific Islander Family Night - 6:30 pm
  • Saturday October 26th- Saturday School - 8-10 am
  • Wednesday October 30th - Harvest Festival - 5:00-7:30 pm
Health Room Reminders
Picture of School Nurse
As we know, it’s cold and flu season. On average teens usually get “between 2 and 4 colds a year” ( And younger kids get common viruses even more often. In Mukilteo School District we are back to basics, and your child doesn’t have to stay home unless they have a fever, are vomiting, diarrhea (2x,) or have uncontrolled symptoms, such as excessive coughing or nose-blowing, or other concerns. See guidance here:

When students are not feeling well, we encourage all students to:
  • cover their cough or wear a mask,
  • wash their hands every time they’ve touched their face or blown their nose, 
  • avoid close contact with others when they’re feeling sick, 
  • get extra rest, (reschedule optional activities when they’re sick, restrict night-time screen use, and get enough sleep, 8-10 hours,)
  • consider screening for COVID,* 
  • or see their regular care provider for other tests or treatment, if needed.
*To order home COVID tests see: : COVID Home Tests | USPS

Your pediatrician or care provider may also recommend certain vaccines or medications. All medications, even over-the-counter pain pills or cold medicine must be kept in the health room, and be accompanied by a complete Medication Authorization form. (Epipens and inhalers may be self-carry if authorized by the School Nurse and parents/guardians.)

If you your student must be ABSENT, please call Mariner Attendance at 425-366-5760. 

If your student becomes sick at school and must go home, they need to go to the Health Room to be released by staff, with parent/guardian’s permission.

If your student participates in athletics, clubs, co-curricular activities ( such as music,) or other extracurricular activities, please see the Code of Conduct. Generally, if a student is too sick to stay for school, they are considered too sick to attend evening practices, competitions, or performances.

Parents/guardians can excuse absences to manage thei
Counseling Department
A room full of empty desks
October Priorities
This month, counselors will be focusing on Seniors to review credits, graduation requirements, and sending home Senior Letters to notify parents on their student’s graduation status. Please keep in mind that counselors are also meeting with their Seniors one-on-one to review any plans for credit recovery and/or alternative high school completion programs. For more information, please reach out directly to your student’s counselor.
Signs of Suicide
This month our school will be focusing on suicide prevention. On October 28 school staff will teach students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are once again using the SOS Signs of Suicide curriculum. We encourage you to visit for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn. 

When teens are struggling with depression or thoughts of suicide, it is common for them to turn to each other. This is why it’s important for every student to know when to ACT.

How to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell):
  • Acknowledge signs of suicide.
  • Show their friend they Care, and
  • Tell a trusted adult.

Students will learn to look out for warning signs of suicide, such as:
  • Major changes in behavior, appearance, eating or sleep.
  • Sounding hopeless, trapped, or overwhelmed.
  • Talk of death or wanting to kill themselves

If they spot signs of suicide in themselves or a friend:
Students are encouraged to reach out to a trusted adult at school or home. Keep communication lines open by:
  • Talking openly about mental health and life stressors so they feel comfortable sharing their struggles.
  • Taking their concerns seriously. (Tell me more about it. I’m here for you. That sounds really painful and upsetting. It’s okay to feel this way. There is help available.)
  • Listening without judgment.
  • Connecting them to help. Reach out to their pediatrician or the school counselor. Call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 for free 24/7 support.
Scheduling Appointments
Scheduling appointments: 
Please remember that student’s and families can contact our Counseling Secretary at 425-366-5715 to schedule an appointment with their School Counselor. Students can also visit during drop-in hours (before/after school and both lunches). Counselors are available via email, phone, Schoology, and ParentSquare.

2024-25 Counselor Caseloads (by student’s last name):
A-De: Ms. Centeno
Df-Ja: Mrs. Dittemore
Jb-M: Ms. Townsend
N-Sam: Ms. Wilson
San-Z: Dr. Horrocks
College & Career Readiness Counselor: Mr. Dillon

MA Counseling Website:
Library News
library staff happy
September was a busy month full of orientations for freshmen, checkout for all students, and providing technology support to the residents of Mariner City. Students are enjoying and utilizing the new space. Students can access the library throughout the week. The library is open Monday through Friday from 6:45 AM-3:00 PM Monday through Thursday and 6:45 AM-12:45 PM on Fridays. The District Technology Department has changed its policy regarding lost and damaged equipment this year. Information on prices to replace student-issued equipment can be found here:  
Stephanie Wilson 

Racial Equity Team
Mariner High School is committed to providing quality educational services to all students and their families, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, language, abilities, socioeconomic status, country of origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity. We are committed to promoting a vision for public education that advances inclusiveness, equity, and racial and social justice in our schools and society. 

Over the past two years, a group of Mariner staff, parents, and students have been taking a deep look at how we have, and have not, been meeting the needs of ALL of our community members and what we can do to better live out our vision. One way that we are seeking to improve is by establishing and maintaining stronger relationships with families and community members to better address the needs of our students. We will be seeking your input this year, through a variety of opportunities, and we hope you will join us in this important work. If you are interested in learning more, please email our team facilitator, Janella Riegel.