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Musings for the week of October 21st

Posted Date: 10/20/24 (5:13 PM)

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Monday Musings
Mariner High Staff Newsletter
October 21, 2024
Mariner Staff on learning stairs
Pimpleton Musing
Thank You
I want to once again thank everyone for diving into the new initiatives we have launched this year, particularly last week's community building circles and this week's attendance phone calls. A few emails came in this week that really touched my soul so I wanted to say thank you to those people and share a bit of what they shared here in case they offer similar encouragement to others.
"They Prove Me Wrong in the Most Empathetic Way"
"Every time I doubt our students or have lower expectations of them than I should, they prove me wrong in the most emphatic way. Let me start by saying I am fully dedicated to circles and I am excited to do them. I was disappointed in the fact that my 3rd period is my sophomores and not my seniors. I thought they would be less mature and that everyone would “pass”. They did not. Some of them shared very deep and authentic responses to the questions. A student had the courage to ask clarifying questions and it gave me the opportunity to give him authentic and meaningful praise. It went way better than I had thought it would. I’m excited for the culture that we can cultivate from this."
"I Will Give Them The Opportunity to Grow Through It"
"I had everyone get into a big circle around the room. I shared the purpose for circles as stated in your email. I used a talking object and explained they could pass or speak. I hoped they would speak as you wanted something in place for restorative practice.

I asked the three questions and gave them a minute to think. I went first and gave ideas.
I passed it on and only a few people shared. Most passed. This could be because it was the first time. Some students skipped the first time but participated the second round. Some the opposite.

I asked how they liked this time. I asked for thumbs up, sideways, or down. Most were down but a handful were sideways. I said I would share with you. I will plan on doing them again as they may improve the next time when they see that we aren’t giving up the first time.
I work hard to develop community in my class but this is a different way of doing that. That is okay. Keep moving forward. Change is inevitable but growth is optional. I will give them the opportunity to grow with it."
"A More Effective Part of the Team"
"I wanted to reach out and say I really appreciate this attendance plan. I feel like it is giving me the tool to be a more effective part of the team and could really help our chronically absent students. If there is a list of students that aren't getting calls I can easily call a few more."
Nuts and Bolts
Example calendar with dates pinned
Meetings This Week
Thursday will be a BLT meeting. Department chairs will be updating the school improvement plan and developing tools for the all school learning walk in December.

Friday's Learning Improvement Time is employee directed. Please use the time in whatever way you feel is best to improve learning experiences and opportunities for students.
Attendance Reminders
As I shared in our Thursday staff meeting, our attendance team will be devoting a lot of energy over the next two months to building our tier 2 and tier 3 truancy response systems, including the launch of regular WARNS assessments and the start of our community engagement boards. Some ways we are asking teachers to support our overall truancy response efforts are:

  • Take accurate attendance daily for each period. If you have been marking students absent as the result of being more than 10 minutes late, please discontinue that practice immediately. Any student who is present for at least 1/2 the class period should be recorded as present or tardy. State law prohibits us from filing truancy petitions on students as a result of absences stemming from tardies and our student information system cannot presently tell the difference between an absence resulting from a student being excessively tardy an a true absence.
  • Please use the list that was provided to you from the attendance team to hold a brief phone conference with a parent/guardian of students from your third period class who had more than than three unexcused absences in the first month and document the call using this google form.
  • If you have more than five students on your list and would like help with your list, please send the names of the students you would like us to call to Dr. Pimpleton.
  • If you have decided not to make any of the calls, please let Dr. Pimpleton know that as well so he can make an alternate plan for your third period students. We want to be sure that every family of a student we are concerned about receives a call.

For more information please see:

all gender restroom sign
Student Single Stall Bathrooms
We began the year designating the bathroom in the nurse's office as our one single stall bathroom for students requesting additional privacy. The volume of students requiring that bathroom however has been more than we can manage and has made facilities unavailable for students who need them due to illness.

For that reason, we will need to designate one of the single stall bathrooms near the counseling offices for student use. We have submitted a work order to the district to have it re-keyed so it will be a student use bathroom. Once the rekeying has taken place, students requiring access will sign in and out at the counseling reception desk where the key to that door will live. We know this is less than ideal and that it is taking a bathroom away from staff. That said, it is important, particularly for our LGBTQIA students that we have a single stall bathroom regularly available to student. Unfortunately this is the best option for doing that. We also have designated one of the bathrooms near the main office for students on behavior contracts due to misbehavior in bathrooms.
Fankhauser Announcements
Senior Class Jostens Meeting and Senior Year Info
Monday, October 21st, Jostens will be here during SIT to talk to seniors about cap and gown ordering.  Seniors will be excused to the Main Gym for this meeting.  If a senior cannot attend this meeting there is a link to Jostens and ordering information on the senior page, and we will also have extra order forms at the front desk.

In addition, all senior events and dates are on the senior page on our website.  If students are asking about things like senior breakfast, senior photos, or graduation, all of that information can be found on the senior page.
Harvest Fest
Harvest Fest is rapidly approaching on October 30th!  We are in need of candy donations or money to purchase candy.  Please bring candy to the main office - the box is under Liz’s window.  If you have money to donate you can give it to Fankhauser or Chris Sears.  Thank you for your support!
Character Dare
This week’s Character Dare is “Love the Office Staff .” This month is about building connections in our school community so commit to saying hello to one of the office staff this week.  Make a point of introducing yourself by name and learning their name as well.  Go back every once in a while and say hi, even if you don’t have any other reason to be in the office!
Racial Equity Team Announcements
puzzle of standards
What is a Racial Equity Team?
The Racial Equity Team is a group of staff, students, and parents that works to design, coordinate, and organize building level activities in support of the district’s equity initiatives, policies, and strategic plan. The team supports the school’s improvement efforts by leading for the elimination of policies and practices that contribute to group-based disparities including those based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, and language. 

We lead with and center race (but don't stop there), because we understand that race cuts across all aspects of identity and that within marginalized communities and groups, there are race-based disparities that need to be named and addressed. In other words, racism exacerbates how communities of color experience sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of marginalization and for that reason race needs to be consistently, considered, named, and centered even as we work to address those challenges more broadly.

Over the past couple of years, our Racial Equity Team has been taking a deep look at practices which will guide us in being as welcoming, inclusive, and supportive as we can be to ensure that all students have the best possible educational outcomes. In partnership with district leadership, we conducted a Landscape Analysis to assess where we are currently, read Glenn Singleton’s book Courageous Conversations About Race, and learned how to lean into challenging conversations with one another.

This coming year, we will be focusing on increasing family engagement and unpacking the information gleaned from the Landscape Analysis with our full Mariner community. We look forward to ongoing conversations amongst all of us as we strive together to make Mariner the best learning community that it can possibly be. If you have any questions about our work, please feel free to speak to any of our team members.
Racial Equity Team Members
Returning Members
Julieth Angarita, Attendance Secretary
Felix Bonilla, Student
Michelle Fankhauser, Assistant Principal
Arella Fox, Parent
James Kim, English Teacher
Neri Najera, Student
Jonathan Ochoa-Abarro, Special Education Teacher
Sonya Patrick, Speech Language Pathologist
Marcus Pimpleton, Principal (Co-Facilitator for the team)
Janella Riegel, Special Education Teacher (Co-Facilitator for the team)
Geri Summers, Special Education Teacher
Kelly Walden, English Teacher
Teresa Zere, Parent

New Members:
Andrea Enriquez Olvera, Administrative Intern
Gwen Johnston, Japanese Teacher
Dafne Powell, Student Support Advocate
Lisa Shiley, Paraeducator
2024-25 Mariner Staff Handbook